Last week: Wednesday
18.06.2008 28 °C
Had to get up this morning :-( . Went and did last recording thingy for JPP with Molly and Lou...he's so funny, had a new microphone (which looked like a UFO, "OVNI") so that was exciting! he he! Then came back and had a really productive few hours...cleared the legendary stack of bottles frm the kitchen (the whole year's collection!). Packed up a lot of my clothes, and sorted out what I had left in my kitchen and bathroom. So basically all ready to start being cleaned etc now. Called the water company as I'm still waiting for a reimboursement cheque from them, and Orange haven't sent me the stuff for the Livebox but apparently I can just take it into the shop. This afternoon Helen and Sarah came in from Bergerac and we all sat in the sun together for a few hours. Was lovely to see them but sa to say goodbye. Also popped round to Cecile's and said goodbye to her. The goodbyes are hard...but I dunno in some ways not as bad as I imagined, I guess because I do think I'll be back here and more and more, now I know I'm going home, I'm feeling ready. Although not when I hear what the weather's like... :-(
I think Molly and Lou are coming round for a film in bit. Now, saying goodbye to them, that really will be difficult...
Posted by LHsugarsugar 11:08 Archived in France